Want to Download a Free Companion Planting Chart That's Printable? (2024)

Acorn Squash (see Winter Squash).AniseEnhances the growth of beans and cilantro.Inhibits the growth of carrots.AsparagusBasil, calendula, cilantro, and dill all repel pests. Dill also attracts lacewings and ladybugs to prey on aphids.


Oregano repels cucumber beetles, squash bugs, worms, caterpillars, and beetles.

Parsley and asparagus mutually benefit their growth, and parsley repels asparagus beetles.

Petunias, spinach, and strawberries enhance growing conditions.

Tomato plants produce saponins, which repel many insects.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) will stunt the growth of asparagus.

Potatoes and carrots remove nutrients required by

BasilAsparagus attracts ladybugs to prey on aphids. Basil repels the asparagus beetle.

Bell peppers and basil improve each other’s flavor. Basil repels spider mites, flies, and mosquitoes.

Protects carrots from carrot flies.

Chives grow well with basil.

Dill grows well in the same pot as basil.

Garlic repels whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites.

Marigolds repel Japanese beetles, nematodes, slugs, and aphids. They also improve the flavor of basil.

Parsley grows well with basil.

Potatoes grow better near basil.

Tarragon has similar growing conditions.

Basil and tomatoes are a classic pair. Tomatoes have the same growing conditions.

Basil protects tomatoes from thrips, whiteflies, and tomato hornworms.

Basil improves the flavor of tomatoes.

Cucumbers compete for nutrients, and basil affects their flavor.

Mints have different growing conditions.

Rosemary, sage, and thyme compete with basil for nutrients.

Rue can stunt basil’s growth and make basil taste bitter.

Bay Laurel (bay leaves).Beans grow well near bay laurel.

Parsley, thyme, sage, and rosemary grow well near bay laurel.

Put bay leaves in containers of grains and beans to repel moths and weevils.

Mix powdered dry bay leaves, peppermint, cayenne pepper, and tansy. Spread this mix around the garden as an organic pesticide.

BeansAnise enhances growth.

Beans provide nitrogen for carrots, eggplants, cucumbers, and potatoes.

Ginger repels pests.

Lovage repels pests.

Nasturtiums act as a trap plant for aphids.

Oregano repels pests.

Parsley attracts beneficial insects that eat cutworms.

Peas have similar growing conditions.

Potatoes repel bean beetles.

Rhubarb protects from aphids, and beans provide nitrogen.

Rosemary repels cabbage loppers, cabbage worms, bean beetles, and carrot flies.

Summer savory repels bean beetles and improves the flavor of beans.

Sunflowers provide shade, and pole beans can climb on them.



Turmeric receives shade and nitrogen.

Corn, pole beans, and squash are the “three sisters” and enhance each other’s growth. The squash also conserves soil moisture.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, shallots) will stunt the growth of beans.

Cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas) feed on similar nutrients.

Beans inhibit eggplant growth.

Sorrel will have too much shade from pole beans.

BeetsBush beans

Catnip repels pests.

Cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas).





Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) protect against cutworms and borers.

Mints repel pests.

Chard and spinach share the same diseases and pests as beets.

Fennel stunts growth.

Pole beans and beets can stunt each other’s growth.

Broccoli (see Cole Crops).Chervil improves growth and flavor.Butternut Squash (see Winter Squash).CarrotsBasil repels carrot flies.

Beans and peas provide nitrogen.

Chives improve the flavor and growth of carrots and repel aphids, mites, and flies.

Leeks repel many flying pests.


Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) in rows with carrots will fight rust flies and some nematodes.

Mints repel flea beetles, carrot flies, and onion flies.

Oregano repels pests.

Rosemary repels cabbage loppers, cabbage worms, bean beetles, and carrot flies.

Sage repels cabbage moths, beetles, black flea beetles, and carrot flies.

Tomatoes provide shade.

Anise inhibits growth.

Dill can reduce the yield of carrots, attract carrot flies, and cross-pollinate.

Cilantro and dill tend to cross-pollinate with carrots.

Celery, parsnips, and turnips compete for the same nutrients.

Parsley. Carrot flies will affect both crops, they compete for nutrients, and they cross-pollinate.

CeleryBeans and peas provide nitrogen.

Repels cabbage moths from cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas).

Nasturtiums repel pests.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) repel aphids.

Oregano repels pests.

Repels pests from tomatoes.


Turnips, carrots, parsley, and parsnips compete for the same nutrients as celery.

ChardBeans and peas provide nitrogen.

Doesn’t compete with cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas).

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) repel pests.

Beets and spinach share the same diseases and pests as chard.ChervilRadishes and broccoli have improved growth and flavor.

Repels ants, aphids, and whiteflies.

Attracts honeybees and parasitic wasps.

Combine with cilantro and dill to repel pests.

Repels slugs from cole crops and others.

Chives (see Onion Family).CilantroAlyssum and coreopsis attract ladybugs and lacewings that will eat aphids.

Anise enhances growth.

Attracts hoverflies. Their larvae eat aphids.

Beans and peas provide nitrogen.

Chervil repels pests.

Repels potato beetles and spider mites.

Tarragon has similar growing conditions.

Rosemary and thyme have different growing conditions.Cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas). Also known as brassicas.Apple mint improves the flavor.

Celery improves the flavor.

Chamomile repels a wide range of cole crop pests.

Chervil repels slugs.

Collard greens are a trap crop for aphids.

Dill repels pests and attracts ladybugs and lacewings that prey on aphids, spider mites, and cabbage pests.

Members of the onion family repel cabbage moths, cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, and diamondback moths. They also improve the flavor.

Lemon balm repels pests.

Lemongrass repels pests.


Mints repel flea beetles, carrot flies, and onion flies.

Nasturtiums repel pests.

Oregano repels cucumber beetles, squash bugs, worms, caterpillars, and beetles.

Parsley attracts beneficial insects.

Rhubarb repels whiteflies and gives shade.

Rosemary, thyme, summer savory, and sage repel cabbage moths, flea beetles, cabbage maggots, and cabbage bagworms.

Beans might spread mold and mildew infections to cole crops. Pole beans also provide too much shade.

Corn will provide too much shade and steal nutrients.

Eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes can spread verticillium wilt.

Strawberries will attract aphids and slugs.

Collard greens (see Cole Crops).Chamomile repels a wide range of cole crop pests.

Dill attracts predatory wasps that prey on cabbage worms.

Garlic repels pests and improves the flavor.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) use different nutrients so they won’t compete.

Mints enhance the flavor.

Potatoes use different nutrients, so they aren’t competitive.

Rosemary repels cabbage moths.

Thyme will repel cabbage moths.

Beans might spread mold and mildew infections to cole crops. Pole beans also provide too much shade.

Collards are in the same family as cole crops, and they will compete for the same resources.

Eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes can spread verticillium wilt.

Melons provide too much shade.

Strawberries will attract aphids and slugs.

Tomatoes will attract aphids.

CornPlant snap beans or soybeans in double rows to enhance corn growth.


Dill repels pests and attracts pollinators.


Parsley will repel pests and attract beneficial insects.

Peanuts interplanted with corn enhances the yield of both crops.


Spinach grows well in the shade of corn.


Corn, pole beans, and squash are the “three sisters” and enhance each other’s growth. The squash also conserves soil moisture.

Corn provides too much shade for cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas). Corn also steals nutrients from them.

Tomatoes with corn will attract tomato fruit worms (corn earworms).

Eggplants will compete with corn for nutrients and receive too much shade from corn.

Peanuts will get too much shade from corn.

Sorrel will have too much shade from corn.

Turmeric doesn’t produce well near corn.




Dill repels pests and attracts ladybugs and lacewings to prey on aphids and spider mites. It also attracts wasps that prey on cucumber beetles.

Lemongrass repels pests.



Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots).

Oregano repels cucumber beetles, squash bugs, worms, caterpillars, and beetles.


Radishes or nasturtiums will repel cucumber beetles.


Tansy and borage repel pests and attract beneficial insects.

Basil competes for nutrients and affects the flavor of cucumbers.



Rosemary has different growing conditions.

Sage will stunt the growth of cucumbers and cause a bad taste.

Summer or winter savory.

DillAsparagus. Dill attracts lacewings and ladybugs that prey on aphids.

Attracts pollinators.

Basil, lemon balm, lemon thyme, and chives grow well with dill.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots). Dill enhances their flavor and keeps out Japanese beetles and aphids. The onion family also repels pests from dill.

Dill can cross-pollinate with angelica, carrots, fennel, and caraway.

Dill will attract carrot flies to carrots.

Dill inhibits the growth of eggplants, peppers, and potatoes.

EggplantCatnip repels flea beetles.

Lemongrass repels pests.

Mint repels pests and improves the flavor.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) repel pests.

Oregano repels pests.

Tarragon improves the flavor and repels pests.

Thyme repels moths.

Turmeric receives shade and repels pests.

Beans inhibit growth.

Corn provides too much shade.

Kohlrabi, pumpkins, tomatoes, and melons compete with eggplant for nutrients.

FennelThere are many reports online that fennel is a harmful companion plant. That appears to be a copied error. Gardeners who grow fennel say it’s an excellent companion for most crops because it repels many pests.

Attracts ladybugs, tachinid flies, hoverflies, syrphid flies, and parasitic wasps that prey on insect pests.

Strongly repels aphids and fleas.

Dill and fennel can cross-pollinate, ruining the flavor of both plants.Garlic (see Onion Family).Beets


Protects cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas) from pests.





Rue protects garlic and other alliums from onion flies and maggots.

Protects strawberries from spider mites.

Protects tarragon from spider mites.

Protects tomatoes from spider mites.

Stunts asparagus growth, and asparagus affects the flavor of garlic.

All beans and peas will have stunted growth near garlic.

Members of the onion family (onions,garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) will attract pests to each other.

Garlic will stunt the growth ofparsleyand compete for resources.

Sagecan negatively affect the growth of garlic.

No proof is available that garlic affects the growth of strawberries.

GingerGinger doesn’t have any recorded problems with any food crop. Nearby crops should have the same growing conditions as ginger.

Ginger protects other crops from insect pests.

Fruit and nut trees provide shade for ginger.

Peas and beans fix nitrogen in the soil for ginger.

Nasturtiums repel spider mites and aphids.

Compatible with members of its own family, turmeric, galangal, and cardamom.

Walnut trees secrete juglone, a toxin that will stunt the growth of ginger or other plants.Lemon BalmAttracts beneficial insects like hoverflies, parasitic wasps, and tachinid flies.

The flowers attract pollinators.

Repels deer and rabbits.

Repels mosquitoes and flies.

Pairs with other perennial herbs to increase their pest protection.

LemongrassLemongrass and marigolds are a powerful pair for repelling pests.

Lemongrass repels pests from many plants because of linalool, citral, and geraniol oils.

Mints, cilantro, basil, ginger, and turmeric have similar growing conditions.

Repels rodents and co*ckroaches.

Repels mosquitoes and houseflies.

Thyme, rosemary, and sage have different growing conditions.LettuceBasil repels pests.

Chives repel pests.

Corn provides shade.

Lemongrass repels pests.


Okra provides shade.

Members of the onion family (onions, garlic, ramps, chives, leeks, and shallots) repel pests.

Mints repel pests.

Oregano repels pests.







Zinnias repel pests.

Cole crops cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and rutabagas).

Parsley will cause lettuce to bolt early.

LovageGrows well around tubers like carrots and potatoes.

Also benefits growth of winter and summer squash, peas, asparagus, lettuce, beets, cole crops, onions, and cucumbers.

The flowers attract pollinators, tachinid flies, and parasitic wasps.

Don’t plant lovage near rhubarb or celery.
Want to Download a Free Companion Planting Chart That's Printable? (2024)


What plants grow well together chart? ›

Companion Planting Chart
Crop NameCompanions
CARROTSChives Leeks Onions Peas Radishes Rosemary Sage
CORNBeans (pole) Cucumbers Dill Melons Peas Squash Sunflower
CUCUMBERSBeans Borage Dill Lettuce Nasturtiums Oregano Radish Sunflowers Tansy
LETTUCEChives Onions Oregano Peas Poached Egg plants Radishes Scallions Zinnia
15 more rows
Jun 5, 2024

What vegetables grow well together? ›

Companion Planting Chart
Type of VegetableFriends
CabbageBeets, celery, chard, lettuce, spinach, onions
CarrotsBeans, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, tomatoes
CornClimbing beans, cucumber, marjoram, peas, pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, zucchini
OnionsCabbage, carrots, chard, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes
12 more rows

What plants grow well with sweet potatoes? ›

Excellent companion plants for Sweet Potatoes
  • Allium sativum (Garlic) Add to Collection. ...
  • Anethum graveolens (Dill) Add to Collection. ...
  • Beta vulgaris (Beet) Add to Collection. ...
  • Borago officinalis (Borage) ...
  • Leucanthemum x superbum (Shasta Daisy) ...
  • Nepeta cataria (Catnip) ...
  • Origanum vulgare (Oregano) ...
  • Phaseolus vulgaris – Green Beans.

What vegetables should not be planted next to each other? ›

14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why
  • 01 of 14. Beans and Onions. ...
  • 02 of 14. Tomatoes and Potatoes. ...
  • 03 of 14. Corn and Tomatoes. ...
  • 04 of 14. Tomatoes and Brassicas. ...
  • 05 of 14. Cucumber and Squash. ...
  • 06 of 14. Lettuce and Celery. ...
  • 07 of 14. Fennel and Tomatoes. ...
  • 08 of 14. Peppers and Cabbage.
Jan 16, 2024

What should you not plant next to tomatoes? ›

Here are some plants generally considered to be unfriendly in the tomato patch:
  • Corn. Both corn and tomatoes attract the same predatory worm, so when they are placed together, your crops can become a feast for undesirables.
  • Potato. Like corn, the potato shares a potential problem with tomatoes. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Carrot.

What not to plant near sweet potatoes? ›

Some of the best companion plants for sweet potatoes include beans, marigolds, nasturtiums, alyssum, yarrow, and spinach. Avoid planting squashes, tomatoes, and sunflowers near your sweet potatoes!

What should you not plant next to squash? ›

You may want to experiment with different companion crops until you find the perfect combination to fit your personal tastes and growing conditions. Avoid planting zucchini and summer squash with all other vining plants which include cucumbers and sweet potatoes as well as pumpkins, winter squashes, and melons.

What is the best companion plant for potatoes? ›

Good neighbours for potatoes
  • Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
  • Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
  • Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
  • Broad beans (Vicia faba)
  • Strawberries (Fragaria)
  • Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes)

What not to plant with peppers? ›

Brassicas: Brassicas such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are not good companion plants for peppers as they require similar nutrients from the soil, which can lead to competition and reduced yield. They also attract pests such as flea beetles and cabbage worms that can damage pepper plants.

What not to plant with cucumbers? ›

Plants in the same family as zucchinis, melons and pumpkins should not be planted directly next to cucumbers. The same applies to Jerusalem artichokes, lovage, sage, radishes, radishes and tomatoes.

What flowers should not be planted near vegetables? ›

Oleander and Foxglove, while beautiful, shouldn't be planted near your vegetables. All parts of these plants are toxic and harmful to your health. Gladiolus should be kept out of the garden especially if you're growing legumes like peas and beans.

What plants like to be together? ›

  • Mint and brassicas. Bronze and green mint foliage. ...
  • Marigolds and tomatoes. Planting tagetes marigolds with tomatoes. ...
  • Carrots and leeks. Carrots and leeks growing together. ...
  • Wormwood and beans. Silver foliage and yellow flowers of artemisia. ...
  • Calendula and beans. ...
  • Sage and brassicas. ...
  • Borage and strawberries. ...
  • Thyme and roses.
Jun 22, 2022

What plants Cannot grow next to each other? ›

Examples of Plants That Should Not Be Grown Together
AsparagusFennel, Garlic, Onions, Potatoes
KohlrabiTomatoes, Peppers, Pole Beans
OnionsAsparagus, Beans, Dill, Peas, Sage
PeasChives, Garlic, Onions, Potatoes, Pumpkin
21 more rows

What 3 plants grow well together? ›

The intercropping method of planting corn, beans, and squash together, commonly called The Three Sisters has been studied and described by scholars in anthropology, history, agriculture, and food studies for many years.

How do you choose plant combinations? ›

Reverse your planting combinations to create opposite textures, colours, foliage and flowers. Flowering shrubs should be complemented by a non-flowering groundcover that differs in colour and texture. Non-flowering shrubs or trees should be complemented by flowering groundcovers, annuals or perennials.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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