How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (2024)

Are you in search of How to Make the Best ZZ plant soil mix recipe? Whether you want to purchase a pre-made mix or embark on a DIY adventure, selecting the best combination of components is a great way to create a cozy haven for a healthy plant.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the importance of selecting a soil mixture and share a recipe for the best soil mix for a ZZ plant.We will also cover the best potting mix for a ZZ plant that you can buy in the store as well as share how to make a DIY cactus soil for a ZZ Plant.

Let’s delve into the intriguing world of the ZZ plant and uncover the secrets of its enduring charm.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (1)

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Table Of Contents

  1. What Is A ZZ Plant?
    • Why is the ZZ Plant So Popular?
    • Is A ZZ Plant A Succulent?
  2. The Important Role of Soil
    • What Essential Nutrients Do ZZ Plants Need?
    • Can You Overfertilize a ZZ Plant?
  3. ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe
    • How Do the Nutrients Get from the Soil to the Plant?
  4. What is the Best Potting Mix for ZZ Plant?
    • What is the Ideal pH Range for a ZZ Plant?
    • How Can I Make My ZZ Plant Thrive?
  5. What is the Best Fertilizer for ZZ Plant?
  6. Cactus Soil for Thriving ZZ Plants
    • How to Choose A Cactus Soil for ZZ Plant
  7. How to Make a DIY Cactus Soil for ZZ Plant
  8. Does ZZ Plant Need Drainage?
    • Why Is My ZZ Plant Attracting Gnats?
  9. When to Repot ZZ Plant
    • What is the Best Pot for a ZZ Plant?
  10. More Gardening Guides

What Is A ZZ Plant?

The common houseplant known as the ZZ plant or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, may indeed challenge your pronunciation skills.

No wonder this green companion has earned itself a more approachable title, commonly recognized as the Zanzibar Gem, an Eternity plant or simply, the ZZ plant.

Why is the ZZ Plant So Popular?

These houseplants hail from Eastern Africa and boast distinctive characteristics that make them a sought-after favorite among plant enthusiasts.

It is a popular choice due to its knack for thriving in conditions that would spell doom for lesser flora.

This is a good choice for plant owners without a green thumb because it can deal with low-light conditions and dry soil for longer periods than many other common houseplants.

This resilience is particularly valuable when you have numerous indoor plants competing for that coveted spot with indirect sunlight.

A little water now and then is all that is required for basic ZZ plant care. However, for best results, it is a good idea to consider proper care to help this slow grower thrive.

Providing the right soil mix such as this zz plant soil mix recipe will ensure that your ZZ plant evolves into a stunning centerpiece that outshines your other indoor plants.

Is A ZZ Plant A Succulent?

Yes ZZ plants fall under the broad category of succulents. Unlike the fleshy, swollen leaves of traditional succulents, ZZ plants sport glossy, robust green leaves that are equally adept at water conservation.

While ZZ plants may not exhibit the classic succulent appearance, they share the same underlying adaptation to withstand drought conditions.

This resilience is one of the factors that make ZZ plants an attractive choice for indoor gardeners seeking a low-maintenance yet visually appealing addition to their plant collection.

Even more impressive than their aesthetic appeal, these indoor plants offer a variety of health benefits. Check out my article that shares the many health benefits of succulents.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (2)

The Important Role of Soil

A ZZ plant’s soil plays a pivotal role in the ZZ plant’s journey to health and vitality. The soil conditions act as the nourishing bedrock, delivering essential nutrients and moisture to sustain its roots.

Crafting the perfect soil mix is akin to providing a comfortable haven, regular potting soil just won’t do the trick.

To ensure the flourishing of your ZZ plant, it’s essential to choose or create a soil blend that aligns with its unique requirements, fostering robust growth and vibrant, waxy leaves.

What Essential Nutrients Do ZZ Plants Need?

Soil serves as a vital reservoir for essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all crucial for the growth of ZZ plants.

Can You Overfertilize a ZZ Plant?

Yes, it’s worth noting that ZZ plants are slow growers, and their nutrient requirements differ from faster-growing plants.

While these nutrients are absorbed through the plant’s roots, ZZ plants have a lower demand for some, especially nitrogen, as an excess of nitrogen can potentially lead to leaf burns.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (3)

ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe

When it comes to crafting your own DIY ZZ plant soil blend, here’s a winning recipe for vibrant growth.

Start with a base of one part loam or standard potting soil, which provides essential nutrients and stability.

Mix in one part sand or vermiculite to enhance drainage and prevent excess moisture accumulation – crucial for ZZ plants.

Now, for that perfect touch of moisture retention and aeration, add organic matter such as one part coir or sphagnum moss to the concoction.

But wait, there’s more! If sand isn’t your thing, you’ve got options. Substitute it with perlite, which keeps the garden soil well-draining and aerated.

Orchid bark or small pieces of charcoal also make excellent additions, contributing to a well-balanced mix that ZZ plants absolutely adore.

This customized soil blend ensures your ZZ plant thrives in style and comfort, making it the star of your indoor garden.

How Do the Nutrients Get from the Soil to the Plant?

As with most houseplants, many of the vital nutrients are absorbed through the roots directly from the soil.

Soil is a thriving ecosystem of microorganisms that enrich the ZZ plant’s environment with essential nutrients. These beneficial allies from plant roots along with bright indirect light, mobilize and transform nutrients enhancing the soil’s organic content.

This nutrient-rich soil is perfect for new plants and stem cuttings. In their natural habitat, ZZ plants have adapted to these conditions, which mimic those of succulent soil or a succulent mix.

Microorganisms also prevent soil compaction, promoting an ideal environment whether it’s the plant’s eternity habitat or your own garden.

These tiny allies play a vital role in enriching the ZZ plant’s environment with essential nutrients.

By nurturing a healthy soil ecosystem, you’re providing your ZZ plant with a continuous source of nourishment.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (4)

What is the Best Potting Mix for ZZ Plant?

The best potting soil for a healthy ZZ plant is a lightweight blend that promotes excellent airflow and water drainage.

The perfect soil mix shouldn’t be nutrient-rich as overdoing the nitrogen or fertilizer can lead to root damage from chemical burns.

To ensure your ZZ plant thrives, the key is getting the potting soil just right.

What is the Ideal pH Range for a ZZ Plant?

Aim for slightly acidic soil, with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. If using a pH tester you can hone in on the more specific preferred pH level for a ZZ plant which is between 6.3 and 6.5.

Hitting that number will help to keep those leaves looking vibrant and yellow-free.

You may want to check out this guide that shareshow to make soil more acidic.Or if you have the opposite problem you may benefit from this guide sharing how to make soil more alkaline.

If you find that you need to add nitrogen to your soil you may enjoy this guide that shares 17 cheap ways to add nitrogen to soil.

How Can I Make My ZZ Plant Thrive?

It’s all about achieving that delicate balance of aeration, drainage, and nutrition.

When purchasing a ZZ Plant potting mix, aim for a lightweight option that guarantees efficient drainage and optimal aeration.

This slow-growing plant thrives in lightweight, well-draining soils, so look for blends with minimal clay content bolstered by organic components.

Ingredients such as sphagnum peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, or a touch of compost in your potting soil mix are best.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (5)

What is the Best Fertilizer for ZZ Plant?

The Best fertilizer for a ZZ plant is a standard, well-balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength during the growing season.

If the type of soil you use contains slow-release fertilizers like Osmocote, hold back on additional feeding of organic fertilizers.

The wrong soil mix with an overaccumulation of nutrients over time may pose a risk to your ZZ plant.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (6)

Cactus Soil for Thriving ZZ Plants

Since these resilient plants thrive in well-draining environments, cactus soil is a top pick. During their active growing season, they benefit from the nutrients provided by cactus soil.

Whether you’re propagating new ZZ plants from leaf cuttings or caring for an established Raven ZZ plant, cactus soil can be the key to new growth.

How to Choose A Cactus Soil for ZZ Plant

When choosing cactus soil for your ZZ plant, it’s crucial to consider this adaptability to low light. The selected soil should complement this feature, ensuring that your ZZ plant continues to flourish even in low light conditions.

By accommodating the ZZ plant’s low light adaptability with the right cactus soil mixes, you’re setting the stage for success in any indoor setting, allowing these green companions to thrive and beautify your living spaces with their enduring charm.

Reputable brands like Espoma organic cactus mix offer a balanced blend of organic material, part of perlite, and horticultural charcoal, creating an ideal environment for ZZ plants.

With optimal cactus soil, you’ll be providing the conditions your ZZ plant need to thrive, maintaining their vibrant green leaves and overall health.

How to Make a DIY Cactus Soil for ZZ Plant

To make a DIY cactus soil for your ZZ plant you will need to mix three parts of all-purpose potting soil with one part organic material such as compost along with one part cactus mix.

You can use your favorite brand or stick with the popular brand Miracle Grow.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (7)

Does ZZ Plant Need Drainage?

Yes! ZZ plants need good drainage as they do not like excess water or too much moisture so a well-draining soil mix is a good option for a happy ZZ plant.

Unlike many tropical plants, ZZ prefers to dry out a bit between watering sessions, especially during the winter months.

To achieve this, your ideal potting mix should contain a touch of organic moisture-retaining material like coir or sphagnum moss.

Complement this with a well-draining structural component, such as part perlite, vermiculite, or sand. Consider incorporating orchid bark, particularly at the pot’s base for these house plants.

This is the best way to encourage proper drainage and good aeration for a healthy root system and avoid the risk of root rot.

This can lead to a world of trouble for your ZZ plant and your indoor space.

Why Is My ZZ Plant Attracting Gnats?

Fungus gnats are attracted to damp soil and decaying organic matter.

Overwatering or consistently wet soil can create conditions for infestations. The gnats lay eggs in moist soil, and their larvae feed on organic matter and plant roots.

If you are currently experiencing this problem check out this article sharing how to get rid of fungus gnats on houseplants.

When to Repot ZZ Plant

When it comes to container gardening for your ZZ Plant, here are some golden rules about selecting pots for new plants and when to repot them.

First, pick small pots that are just a smidge larger than your plant’s root ball, a bigger pot will most likely lead to soggy soil.

Gradually increase pot size when transferring to a new pot, stepping up one size at a time based on the size of the plant’s roots.

What is the Best Pot for a ZZ Plant?

The best pots will have multiple drainage holes at the base, this way your plant gets just enough water but not too much.

Terracotta and unglazed ceramic pots are winners here; their porous walls promote water evaporation, keeping your ZZ Plant from becoming waterlogged.

In the warmer seasons of spring and summer, water your ZZ Plant only when the top inch of soil dries out to avoid adding too much water.

More Gardening Guides

If you’re as passionate about plant care as we are, you won’t want to miss out on these insightful posts:

DIY Plant Humidifier: Discover clever DIY solutions to maintain perfect humidity levels for your indoor oasis.

How Much to Water Snake Plant: Master the art of precise snake plant watering techniques to keep it healthy and vibrant.

How Often to Water Cactus: Explore the optimal watering regimen for your cactus to thrive in its arid environment.

Propagating Wandering Jew Plant: Unlock the secrets of multiplying your Wandering Jew plant and fostering more green goodness in your home.

Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your plant care knowledge. Click on the links above and dive into these informative guides.

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About the Author

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (8)

The Hobby Wife

Greenhouse and backyard gardener, devoted homemaker, and passionate recipe creator. My journey through life revolves around my unwavering love for food and travel. As a passionate cook, I blend my garden's bounty with culinary finesse and inspiration from my travels. From farm-to-table homestyle dishes to copycat recipes that offer something unique, my kitchen is a canvas where flavors harmonize and ingredients tell stories.

How to Make the Best ZZ Plant Soil Mix Recipe - The Hobby Wife (2024)


What is the best soil mixture for ZZ plants? ›

A mix containing 2 parts all-purpose potting mix, 1 part coarse sand, and 1 part perlite is a ZZ plant's dream dinner. This blend offers a balance of moisture retention and drainage, with a slightly acidic pH of 6.0-7.0 that ZZ plants find delightful.

What is the best fertilizer for ZZ plants? ›

Fertilizer – ZZ plants benefit from a good foundation of essential plant nutrients at planting time and every spring. Just one application of Pennington UltraGreen All Purpose Plant Food 10-10-10 starts feeding your plant immediately, then it keeps feeding for up to four months.

How do you make the perfect soil mix? ›

A mixture of 70% garden soil and 30% organic matter creates a good general potting mix for planting up trees, shrubs, perennials and fruit. If your garden soil is heavy, reduce the soil content by around 10% and add some sharp sand, grit, or bulky organic matter in its place to improve drainage.

Can I use Miracle-Gro on a ZZ plant? ›

How to Feed ZZ Plants. A month after planting, begin feeding ZZ plants with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food Spikes to provide a steady source of nutrition.

How do I make my ZZ plant fuller? ›

By pruning your ZZ plant during its active growth phase, you can help it recover more quickly and minimize stress. You can also prune back any yellowing or damaged leaves and trim back any leggy growth to encourage a fuller, bushier plant.

How do you make a ZZ plant happy? ›

Water: Water thoroughly and allow the top 5 cm of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause the rhizomes to rot. Despite being drought-tolerant, your ZZ will be healthiest with regular watering. Humidity: Average indoor humidity, no adjustments required.

How do I make my ZZ plant shine? ›

A zz plant's leaves are typically very glossy and vibrant, so if you see that your plant's leaves are dull, your plant has probably accumulated dust. It happens! To get your plant polished up and glossy again, you can simply wipe the plant's leaves with a damp washcloth.

How do you help a struggling ZZ plant? ›

You may be overwatering your ZZ plant if you notice that leaves are both turning yellow and falling off. This plant is slow to grow. It may take a few years for your plant to grow a few feet. The best way to help your ZZ plant's growth process is by giving it optimal light, water and temperature conditions.

How do I keep my ZZ plant healthy? ›

How to Care for a ZZ Plant
  1. Provide ZZ plants with bright indirect light. ...
  2. Use a loose potting mix in a container with drainage holes. ...
  3. Let the soil dry out between waterings. ...
  4. Use a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. ...
  5. Maintain average temperature and humidity levels. ...
  6. Re-pot ZZ plants every spring.
Jun 7, 2021

How do you make super soil mix? ›

  1. 14 cubic feet of high-quality potting soil.
  2. 1 cubic foot worm castings.
  3. 2.5 lbs. bone meal.
  4. 2.5 lbs. fish bone meal.
  5. 5 lbs. high phosphorus bat guano.
  6. 5 lbs. blood meal.
  7. 3 cups oyster shell.
  8. 3 cups kelp meal.

What is the best recipe for potting mix? ›

A standard recipe for a homemade soilless mix consists of half sphagnum peat moss and half perlite or vermiculite. To mix ½ bushel basket or four gallons of media: Start by pouring two gallons of peat moss into the bushel basket. Add two gallons of either perlite or vermiculite and mix thoroughly.

What is the best mixture of soil? ›

The Formula for Soil Mix

To create your own perfect soil mix, thoroughly blend 1 part peat or coir, 1 part perlite or vermiculite, one-half part composted bark, and one-half part worm castings. You can grow just about any crop in your indoor garden with this mix.

How do you perk up a ZZ plant? ›

ZZ Plant Care and Growing Tips

In order to flourish, ZZ plants need moderate light, well-draining soil, occasional fertilizing, and little else. They have low watering needs and their soil should dry completely before repeated watering.

What is the best plant food for ZZ plants? ›

Top Fertilizer Options for ZZ Plants

Espoma Indoor Liquid Plant Food: This organic liquid fertilizer is specifically formulated for indoor plants, including ZZ plants. It's gentle and promotes steady growth without the risk of over-fertilization.

Does the ZZ plant like big pots? ›

Before repotting your ZZ plant, select a pot that is one size larger than the one in which the plant is currently growing. It might be tempting to select a bigger size (so you don't have to repot again as soon) but too large a pot will allow the soil to dry too slowly opening the rhizomes up to potential root rot.

What should I plant my ZZ plant in? ›

For an even more effective growing medium, try mixing three parts standard potting mix with one part succulent soil mix. Make sure you place your potting mix in a container with drainage holes so the water can escape. Let the soil dry out between waterings. A ZZ plant's rhizomes store water, making it drought-tolerant.

When should you repot a ZZ plant? ›

We recommend repotting ZZ plants once a year. It is best to do this at the beginning of the new growing season in spring. Be mindful that increasing your plant's pot size by too much can cause the plant to focus its energy on root growth. For older Zamioculcas, repot every 2 to 3 years.

Does the ZZ plant like to be crowded? ›

Feed them with a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength during the growing season (spring and summer). Avoid fertilizing during the dormant winter months. Repotting: ZZ plants are slow-growing and can thrive in slightly crowded conditions.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.