Best Plant With Pink And Green Leaves (2024)

Many indoor plants are chosen for their colorful flowers and blooms. However, there is a new trend in house plants with pink leaves.

It is a new trend to have plants like this, and they can make a significant impact on your home decor.

Many of this variety of plants are low light, so that you can dot them in areas not usually suitable for ornamental garden plants. (Read How Do I Get Rid of Gnats in My Potted Plants?)

Here you can learn how to care for pink houseplants and other things you need to know.

What Plant Has Green and Pink Leaves?

Every room ought to have a potted plant, if not more. Once you add greenery, you add interest that offers a relaxed feeling and other benefits.

  • Houseplants purify the air and can lower harmful chemicals and pollutants
  • Potted plants will raise the humidity levels and aid dry skin, dry throats, sinuses, and eyes.
  • Plants improve air quality.
  • Caring for plants helps reduce stress and improves healing time.

Here are some easy to grow pink houseplants that can perfectly contrast your interior decor.


Not as popular as they were indoors, they offer a vast range of variegated nerve foliage colors, including hot pink, oranges, burgundy, chocolate brown, purple with yellow, and cream.

Coleus likes warm areas with plenty of light and moist soil. To keep them healthy, water plants regularly, and place the plant close to bright windows in your home, but not hot. Mist leaves on occasions.


Often called a wandering Jew or the inch plant, this nerve plant comes from a large Tradescantia family comprising many varieties. You can keep these happy in hanging baskets where they can drape their long stems.

Leaf nerve patterns and colors depend on the variety, although many are variegated with pinkish-white and green striped leaves. Make sure to keep a Tradescantia away from the light that is too bright and let the soil dry in between watering.


Crotons may not be the easiest of plants to grow because they love warm temperatures with lots of humidity. However, if you can cater to this, they offer plenty of tropical beauty. Put Croton plants near bright indirect light, not the full sun that gets hot.

Mist leaves several times per week. These plants like moist soil, although not soggy. You can have nerve color and pink in ideal conditions to reds, yellows, and orange stunning variegated foliage.


Fittonia is little trailing pink houseplants and looks like they have netted over their leaves. Depending on the Fittonia variety, this netting may be white, pink, or red.

You will find Fittonia as temperamental as they like high humidity, moderate temperatures and low light. Besides, Fittonia can’t tolerate over-watering and soggy soil with standing water. One of the best areas to grow these are in a terrarium.

Purple Velvet Plant

Purple velvet plants are a bit retro. While not a long-liver, they don’t require long-term care and are pretty while alive. Leaves have dark pinks to purple fur.

Plants should sit in bright light and be watered well. Once they begin to flower, you need to pinch the buds because they smell pleasant.


The indoor family comprises many colorful varieties with variegated creamy yellow and green leaf colors.

P. clusiifolia adds a light but perfect pink into the mix. You will see many other varieties that offer purple leaves or silvery nerve stripes.

All Peperomias share a love of moderate light and continually moist soil but not too wet. Therefore, a helping of houseplant fertilizer is appreciated on occasions.

Rex Begonia

Rex Begonia may not be typical indoor garden begonia houseplants, though they are grown for stunning foliage. You will find this in a range of nerve colors comprising pink to red, orange, silver, and purple, all in striking patterns, from swirls, stripes, netting, or imperfections. (Read What Are The Spots on Tomato Leaves)

Rex Begonia houseplants need a well-lit yet not hot indoor spot, and garden soils need to be moist though not wet.

Other plants here are the rubber plant and the Calathea. Calathea, often called the peaco*ck plant, is highly common. If you grow these, you will see your Calathea grow to a height of three feet so that it could get too tall for an indoor garden, unlike Fittonia.

What Plants Have Pink Stems?

One of the best-known pink stem plants is the Common Pokeweed. It is often found in a garden environment or with rich and gravelly soils such as roadsides, pastures, and woodland borders. (Read How to Take Care of an Aloe Plant)

It can grow 10 feet tall, and easy to spot dark to purple color berries in the fall. This weed is poisonous, so not one you want to grow in your garden. Should you find these in your garden, you need a little care to remove them, and cutting below the root crown is effective.

You find all parts of these plants poisonous though roots are the most and berries the least.

Why Do Plants Turn Pink?

With all the above beautiful plants that add these stunning colors to the indoor garden environment, you can find reasons why some look this gorgeous color.

Often, you find a green and pink leaf plant is under stress. However, this may not be something anyone does, and it can be natural stress. Sugars increase inside the plants, whereas; they usually move through the plants. (Read Are Pansies Perennials)

Besides this, soil can lack phosphorus, and the older leaves begin showing these deficiencies, although it creates a beautiful nerve plant image.

Although you have these easy-to-grow houseplants for these pink and white patterns, you need to get on top of your plant care and watering to ensure your coloring isn’t coming from an issue in your plants.

How Do You Care for a Pink Splash Plant?

A pink splash plant (Hypoestes), a Polka Dot plant, is a low-growing bush up to 12 inches tall.

It is often used as common houseplants, although you can grow your pink splash (Hypoestes) outdoors in USDA zones 10a through 11. (Find Out What Zone Am I In For Gardening)

You will need to provide bright yet filtered sunlight, though they can tolerate some sun and shade. The nerve plant color is best when the (Hypoestes) polka dot plant does get bright, indirect light.

Water as often as twice per week, and dip your finger in the soil to see if it is dry below the surface.

Your polka dot can be easy to care for and look after, yet it will require a bit more attention from other houseplants in your home. However, none of this is too hard and can constantly mist your plants, pinching plant top to encourage perfect bushy growth.

You also need to be careful when you water your indoor pink plant as it can suffer powdery mildew on a leaf, a white powdery substance. This white on your pink home garden plants is a sign of too much water.

Best Plant With Pink And Green Leaves (6)

Tim Graham

With over 20 years of hands-on gardening and landscape design experience, Tim Graham, the founder of, is dedicated to sharing expert advice and fostering a vibrant community for garden enthusiasts. His award-winning designs and sustainable practices reflect a deep-rooted passion and expertise in horticulture. Connect and cultivate your green thumb with Tim!

Best Plant With Pink And Green Leaves (2024)
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