Today's Horai Timings - Find Shubh Muhurat, Auspicious Time (2024)

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Please enter a valid mobile number or try with other login options.

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if (response.ecode == 403) { alertify.notify("

Something went wrong. Please try again or contact support

", "error", function () { }); } else { alertify.notify("

Invalid OTP, Try Again

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", "error", function () { }); $('#loaderLogin').hide(); $('#btnLogin').show(); $('#btnLogin').removeAttr("disabled"); }, requestTimeOut) } function onBegin() { trackBtnClicks("Registration", "Login_Screen", "Login_Detail_Submitted", "PopUp"); startLoginTimer(); } function onComplete() { sessionStorage.removeItem("SessionPlans"); } function OnLoginSuccess(response) { if (response != null && response != undefined && response != "") { if (response.Status != 200) { $('#btnLogin').removeAttr("disabled"); } if (response.Status == 200) { clearTimeout(loginEmail); if ( != "" && != "" && CheckIfDefaultParams( { // let path = window.location.href.split('?')[0]; //location.href = path +; let path = window.location.href.split('?')[0]; let allparams = window.location.href.split('?')[1]; if (allparams != null && allparams != "") { allparams = removeSpecificParameterFromAllParams(allparams, "utm_source"); allparams = removeSpecificParameterFromAllParams(allparams, "utm_campaign"); allparams = removeSpecificParameterFromAllParams(allparams, "utm_medium"); allparams = + "&" + allparams; location.href = path + allparams; } else { location.href = path +; } } else { //location.reload(); var url = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); var uri = window.location.toString(); if (uri.indexOf("#") > 0) { url[0] = url[0].substring(0, url[0].length - 1) } if (url[0].indexOf("ReturnUrl") >= 0) globalIsClickOn = getUrlVarsForOtp()["ReturnUrl"]; if (globalIsClickOn == null || typeof globalIsClickOn === 'undefined') { if (typeof url[0] === 'string' && url[0].length > 3) { //location.href = url[0]; location.reload(); } else { location.href = ""; } } else if (globalIsClickOn == "chat") { location.href = ""; } else if (globalIsClickOn == "call") { location.href = ""; } else { location.reload(); } } } else if (response.Status == 403) { alertify.notify("

Your account is marked In-Active, Please contact support.

", "error", function () { }); } else if (response.Status == 409) { alertify.notify("

Please try to sign in with valid credentials.

", "error", function () { }); } else if (response.Status == 417) { alertify.notify("

Please verify your email. A verification email has been sent. Follow the instructions in the email.

", "error", function () { }); } else { alertify.notify("

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Please try again later

", "error", function () { }); $('#loaderLogin').hide(); $('#btnLogin').show(); $('#btnLogin').removeAttr("disabled"); } }); } });

Today's Horai Timings - Find Shubh Muhurat, Auspicious Time (2024)


How do you find auspicious time in a day? ›

  1. Auspicious time even on an inauspicious day is.
  2. while Sun in Midheaven.
  3. It is called as ABHIJIT MUHURTA.
  4. From Sun rise to Sun Set - Difference divided by 2.
  5. Adding from Sun Rise, you will get midpoint.
  6. 24 Min (one Naligai) before and after from Midpoint = 48 Min.
  7. Ever auspicious timing to perform any events.
Oct 12, 2023

Which hora is auspicious? ›

Sun Hora: The Hora of the Sun is considered auspicious for activities related to authority, government, leadership, and vitality.

What is today's hora? ›

Day Hora
Sun11:37:00 AM - 12:37:00 PM
Venus12:37:00 PM - 01:37:00 PM
Mercury01:37:00 PM - 02:37:00 PM
Moon02:37:00 PM - 03:37:00 PM
8 more rows

What is the most auspicious time? ›

Annual calibration
No.Daily periodName (मुहूर्त)
106:00–06:48 (sunrise)Rudra (रुद्र)
206:48–07:36Āhi (आहि)
307:36–08:24Mitra (मित्र)
408:24–09:12Pitṝ (पितृ)
26 more rows

What is today's auspicious time? ›

Auspicious Timings
Brahma Muhurta04:37 AM to 05:21 AMPratah Sandhya
Abhijit12:09 PM to 01:02 PMVijaya Muhurta
Godhuli Muhurta07:06 PM to 07:28 PMSayahna Sandhya
Amrit Kalam08:24 PM to 09:50 PMNish*ta Muhurta
Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga06:05 AM to 08:10 AMRavi Yoga

Which app is used to check auspicious time? ›

Gowri Panchangam is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps users to check the auspicious time to start new work. It is traditionally used in Tamil Nadu for any muhurtham. The app provides all the timings based on the Gowri Panchangam table published in the respected Pambu Panchangam.

How to predict wealth from hora chart? ›

Thus, through this study, astrologers can derive which Hora is more powerful. If the 2nd House is powerful in the case of a Cancer Lagna in Hora chart, the native will accumulate or earn good wealth. If the 12th House is powerful in case of a Leo Lagna in Hora chart, the native will experience financial constraints.

How to calculate horai? ›

There are 12 parts of 1 hour each from sunrise to sunset. Similarly, there are 12 parts from sunset to sunrise. In this way, we get 24 Horas. In the calculation of Hora of a day, the first Hora of that day will be of the day lord and the next Hora will be of 6th day from the day lord.

Which hora is good for business? ›

Mercury's Hora:

It is considered auspicious for trade and business-related matters, for learning and teaching, studying scriptures, astrology, writing, printing, and publishing-related works.

What is Hora the god of? ›

Hora, in Greco-Roman mythology, any one of the personifications of the seasons and goddesses of natural order; in the Iliad they were the custodians of the gates of Olympus.

How to calculate hora lagna? ›

  1. Find the sunrise time and longitude for the date of birth.
  2. Take the Birth time and find the difference from above sunrise time.
  3. Convert the difference into hours.
  4. Divide the total hours elapsed by 720. ...
  5. Add above value to sunrise's longitude.
  6. The arrived value is Hora Lagna in that house of the zodiac.
Jan 27, 2021

How do I find the best Muhurat? ›

How Is Muhurat Determined? The selection of a Muhurat is a careful process based on a range of astrological factors. These include tithi (moon phase), vara (day of the week), nakshatra (star sign), and yoga (alignment of planets).

What is the Shubh Muhurat for? ›

In Hindu culture, performing rituals during a shubh muhurat—an auspicious time determined by the planetary positions—ensures that the ceremony is blessed with positive energy and favorable outcomes.

Which Muhurat is good for pooja? ›

  • Abhijeet Muhurat. 11:58 AM - 12:50 PM.
  • GuliKaal. 12:24 PM - 02:02 PM.
  • Rahukaal. 03:40 PM - 05:18 PM.
  • Yamghant kaal. 09:09 AM - 10:46 AM.

How do you find the time for everything in a day? ›

10 easy ways to find more time in a day!
  1. Schedule nothing.
  2. Mess once. Eat twice.
  3. Become obsessively organised.
  4. Multitask like you mean it.
  5. Avoid interruptions.
  6. Have a plan, and keep it.
  7. Identify your personal “productivity prime time”.
  8. Wake up prepared.

How to calculate muhurta? ›

To calculate a good muhurta, we first look at Panchanga Shuddhi or the day in the Vedic calendar which consists of Thithi(Lunar Day — Days of the forth night), Vara(Day of the Week), Nakshatra(Constellation), Yoga(Related to longitude of Sun and Moon), Karana(Half split of a lunar day).

How do you know if today is your lucky day? ›

Finding lucky days in the year is as easy as noting any day that adds up to your Destiny Number or is a multiple of that number. For example, because my Destiny Number is 9, the 9th day of any month should have extra luck for me, as well as the 18th and 27th days of the month.

How are auspicious dates determined? ›

An aiding astrologer will first determine the groom's astrological position in relation to the moon, then he will do the same for the bride in relation to the sun. In light of that data, he is able to give the couple lucky times and dates for their wedding.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 6200

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.