Pollinator Plant List (2024)

Pollinator PlantsGenusSpeciesCommon NameHeightWidthSun ExposureAnnual/ Perennial/ BiennialWaterPollinator BloomAchilleaMillefolium 'Paprika'Paprika Yarrow1-2'2-3'Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantRed/OrangePaprika yarrow is an evergreen perennial with brilliant burnt-orange flowers from spring to fall. It forms a spreading mat of fern-like, mid-green leaves to 3 feet wide. It's tiny flowers provide nectar and pollen for beneficials.

Pollinator Plant List (1)

AscelepiasfascicularisCalifornia Narrow-leaf Milkweed3'1-2'Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantWhiteCalifornia's narrow-leaved Milkweed has narrow leaves and is a California native. It has large, narrow, five inch leaves and a five inch flower cluster. In cool, coastal California climates, the plant is covered with monarch caterpillars during the summer. Milkweeds need sun and can be quite drought tolerant. Mulch well, water a lot the first month, and ignore. Asclepias fascicularis can tolerate coastal clays.

Pollinator Plant List (2)

Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed4-6'3-4'Full Sun to Partial ShadePerennialModeratePink/PurpleMilkweed is an American genus of herbaceous perennial, dicotyledonous plants that contains over 140 known species. Asclepias species produce some of the most complex flowers in the plant kingdom, comparable to orchids in complexity. American milkweeds are an important nectar source for native bees, wasps, and other nectar-seeking insects, though non-native honey bees commonly get trapped in the stigmatic slits and die,[5][7] and a larval food source for monarch butterflies and their relatives, as well as a variety of other herbivorous insects (including numerous beetles, moths, and true bugs) specialized to feed on the plants despite their chemical defenses.

Pollinator Plant List (3)

Buddliax hybrid 'Podaras #8 Blue Heaven'Butterfly Bush2-3'2-3'Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantPurpleThe butterfly bush is a wonderful shrub with large, fragrant, colorful flowers that attract a flutter of butterflies into your summer garden. Butterfly Bushes are extremely easy to grow and any novice gardener will have success with this genus. Plus they are the absolute best butterfly attracting plant you can grow. Buddleia should be planted near a window, along a path, or close to a patio or porch where you can appreciate the scent the wonderfully fragrant blossoms during the summer months.

Pollinator Plant List (4)

CalamagrostisfoliosaMendecino Red Grass1-2'1-2'Sun or ShadePerennialDrought TolerantWheatThis is a California native bunchgrass that orginated in the northern California coast. It grows to 1 foot tall by nearly 2 feet wide with arching blue-green foliage that often has purple highlights. In mid spring through early summer, attractive short arching silvery- purple heads of flowers that age to a golden wheat color appear. Plant along the coast in full sun or light shade inland in a well-drained soil. Ceanothusgriseus horizontalis 'Diamond Heights'Diamond Heights Carmel Creeper California Lilac1'4-6'Light shade to sunPerennialModerateYellowDiamond Heights ceanothus is a low-spreading, native, drought-tolerant, evergreen shrub. It has light blue flowers in spring, and its variegated foliage may burn in hot sun, but it will have more flowers in a sunnier spot. Its flowers attract many beneficials.

Pollinator Plant List (6)

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark'Blue Mountain Lilac3'3'Full sunPerennialDrought TolerantPurple/BlueCeanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' form of Ceanothus is a California native lilac cultivar that possesses much darker leaves than any other individuals of this species that we have observed. Blue blossom is a medium-mounding native, drought-tolerant evergreen shrub with dark blue flowers in late spring to summer. Its tiny flowers are constantly buzzing with native bees and other beneficials.

Pollinator Plant List (7)

Celosiaplumosa 'Glorious'Woolflowers or co*ckscombs12"10"Sun to Part ShadeAnnualDrought TolerantRed, Yellow, PinkLong-lasting arrow-shaped plumes add unmatched texture and an exotic flair to the landscape—simply stated: they’re striking. Our new Glorious series is a dwarf celosia, compact and nicely branched with larger, bushy flowers and vibrant green foliage. Both the plants and the flower plumes are notably uniform, so you can depend on this series for reliable performance all summer long. Plumes reach up to 10-inches on plants that grow only about a foot tall. Although they’re drought tolerant, they do need water but no deadheading is required.

Pollinator Plant List (8)

CosmosbipinnatusMexican aster or Garden Cosmos1-4'2-3'Full sunAnnualAverageRed, Pink, or WhiteCosmos is a long-blooming annual. Its flowers and foliage provide nectar, pollen, and habitat for native seat bees, leafcutting bees, summere long-horned bees, tachinid flies, parasitic wasps, lacewings, syrphid flies, predatory true bugs, spiders, lady beeltles, and other beneficials.

Pollinator Plant List (9)

Cosmosbipinnatus 'Sonata'Cosmos Sonata Series3-5'1-2'Sun to Part ShadeAnnualAveragePink, White, CrimsonA very popular flower, cosmos looks wonderful in the garden or meadow in midsummer and blooms continuously until frost. Whether planting an acre with wildflowers, or adding color to your small space garden, cosmos is the perfect choice. With long-lasting blooms, you’ll have flowers to cut summer tables. Cosmos attracts butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden.

Pollinator Plant List (10)

DaucuscarotaQueen Anne's Lace Wild Carrot1-2'2-3'Full SunBiennial or AnnualDrought Tolerant WhiteThis beneficial weed can be used as a companion plant to crops. Like most members of the umbellifer family, it attracts wasps to its small flowers in its native land; however, where it has been introduced, it attracts very few wasps. This species is also documented to boost tomato plant production when kept nearby, and it can provide a microclimate of cooler, moister air for lettuce when planted with it.DelphiniumelatumCandle Larkspur or Alpine Delphinium3-5'2-3'Full SunPerennialModerateBlueGrowing up to 8 feet tall, Elatum Group Delphiniums bear dense, erect spikes of blooms in shades of violet, blue, pink and/or white. They are very showy, but short-lived, and require considerable effort for best results. They almost always requires staking, and it is necessary to protect from strong winds.The plant benefits from fertilizer and/or compost in spring and summer.

Pollinator Plant List (12)

Digitalispurpurea 'Excelsior'Foxglove4-5'1-2'Full Sun to Part ShadePerennial or BiennialAverageYellow, Pink, Lilac, White, MixedFoxglove is described as “stately” when in bloom, Foxgloves produce large spires of large, dangling bells. Plants form a low rosette of coarse, hairy leaves in the first year, bursting into flower the second spring, then setting seed and usually dying. Foxglove perform best in a rich, moist soil. Allow plants to form seed, and they will often self-sow to produce future generations. New plants that form can be easily moved in their first season, while still small. At flowering time, plants may need to be staked. The plant is toxic if ingested.

Pollinator Plant List (13)

Digitalispurpurea 'Camelot Rose'Foxglove3-4'1-2'Full Sun to Part ShadePerennial or BiennialAveragePinkThis variety of Foxglove, bears tall spikes of glowing rose-pink bells, and they are spotted inside with maroon purple. Unlike other types, ‘Camelot’ Foxgloves flower in both the first and second year before eventually setting seed and dying. Deadhead first-year blooms to encourage overwintering. These perform best in a rich, moist soil. Allow plants to form seed in the second year and they may self-sow to produce future generations.

Pollinator Plant List (14)

DigitalispurpureaCommon Foxglove2-5'1-2'Full Sun to Part ShadePerennial or BiennialAveragePurple, Pink, Rose, Yellow, or WhiteDigitalis purpurea is a biennial or short-lived perennial plant. The leaves are spirally arranged, long, and broad covered with gray-white glandular hairs, with a woolly texture. The foliage forms a tight rosette at ground level in the first year. The flowering stem develops in the second year. The inside surface of the flower tube is heavily spotted. The flowering period is early summer, sometimes with additional flower stems developing later in the season.

Pollinator Plant List (15)

Epilobiumcanum 'Catalina'Santa Catalina Island California Fuchsia3-4'4-5'Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantOrange RedSoft long gray-green foliage lightly clothe this densely branching subshrub. The red-tinted branches reach 3 to 4 feet tall or more and becomes woody at the base. Bright orange-red flowers have four deeply bi-lobed petals which bloom in the summer and fall. When the plant is established after the first year, trim back or shear plants in mid-winter for a neater appearance the following season.

Pollinator Plant List (16)

Eriogonumgrande rubenscensRosy Buckwheat1'2-3'Full sun; dappled shadePerennialDrought TolerantRed/PinkRosy buckwheat originates from the Channel Islands off the coast of California, and has red or pink flowers that bloom from June-October. Deer like to browse (rip from the ground and walk on), and this rare plant prefers clay soil. The buckwheats are very important butterfly plants and one of the pillars of their plant communities. The flowers, leaves and seeds are all used by many of the smaller mammals, and a good number of birds such as finches, juncos, larks, sparrows, towhees, quail, and grouse.

Pollinator Plant List (17)

Eriogonum fasciculatum 'Warriner Lytle'Califiornia Buckwheat1-2'4-5'Full sunPerennialDrought TolerantWhite/Pink/RustCalifornia buckwheat grows quickly into a low and spreading evergreen mat clothed with small, needle-like leaves. From late spring to early fall, tight clusters of creamy-whitish pink flowers appear which are very attractive to bees and butterflies. As the flowers go to seed they gradually turn dark russet and are attractive to seed eating birds and mammals. The plant is excellent for dry slopes where it will grow in full sun to light shade with good drainage. It is deer resistant.

Pollinator Plant List (18)

Eriophyllumlantanum 'Siskiyou'Siskiyou Woolly Sunflower1'2-3'Sun; part shadePerennialModerateYellowA California native living from the immediate coast to the high mountains of California and into Oregon. Lush gray-green woolly foliage forms low mats. Blooms over a long period, spring into fall with cheery 2 inch golden-yellow daisies. It requires drainage and moderate to infrequent summer water once established. The open-faced daisies are an excellent sources of pollen and nectar and make good platforms for insects to perch, attracting butterflies, bees and other insects.

Pollinator Plant List (19)

Eschscholziacalifornica 'Alba'White California Poppy6-12"9-12"Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantCreamy WhiteVanilla white blooms are borne in profusion spring through summer on this long-blooming California poppy. Their color is an addition to all the other colors in the garden. Deadhead the poppies for an extra long bloom. They are self-sowing. They grow well in all soil types.

Pollinator Plant List (20)

Eschscholziacalifornica 'Chiffon'Pink California Poppy6-18"6-12"Full SunPerennialDrought TolerantPinkCalifornia poppies' foliage is ferny, like carrot tops. This cultivar has soft rose-colored, double blooms with yellow centers. They have full rosey flowers and attractive silvery-blue foliage. The species is native to Oregon and the California coast. Grow in full sun in poor, well-drained soil. Propagate by sowing seeds in succession for a continuous display. Sow seed in spring or early autumn.

Pollinator Plant List (21)

Gaura lindheimeri 'Kleau 04263'Belleza Rose Beeblossom2-4'2--3'Full Sun to Part SunPerennialDrought TolerantWhite/Pink/RedA beautiful plant with tall, airy-looking flowers that look like butterflies floating in the garden breeze. Texture is added to the garden with its 4-petaled, pink tinged or white flowers sitting on top of airy stems. Only a few flowers open at a time, but they bloom in sufficient numbers to greate a graceful display for weeks. It attrace butterflies and hummingbirds.

Pollinator Plant List (22)

GiliacapitataBlue Thimble Flower 1-3'1'Full SunAnnualDrought TolerantBlueGilia capitata is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names blue-thimble-flower, bluehead gilia, blue field gilia, and globe gilia. Gilia Capitata is native to much of California, forming a bushy multi-branching with dense, ferny, almost lacy, rich green foliage. Throughout spring and early summer, it bears scented, violet blue rounded flowers. The Gilia flower looks a bit like a pincushion with pins sticking in it.

Pollinator Plant List (23)

HelianthusannuusCommon Sunflower6'
8-10' (Depending on the variety)
9-12" Full SunAnnualModerateBright YellowSeveral ornamental cultivars of Helianthus annuus have red-colore
Pollinator Plant List (2024)


What are the best plants for pollinators? ›

Alyssum, asters, borage, calendula, coneflowers, foxglove, hyssop, lobelia, marigold, milkweed, monarda (bee balm), nasturtium, scabiosa, sedums, sunflowers, yarrow, and zinnia are just a few pollinator favorites. Allow some of your herbs to flower later in the season.

What flowers attract the most pollinators? ›

Bees prefer blue, purple, and yellow flowers, and sweet fragrances. They see ultraviolet colors – found on the flowers such as buttercups and black-eyed Susans. Golden currant, serviceberry, and chokecherry flower early in March and attract bumble bees and mason bees.

What are pollinator plants called? ›

Pollinator plants (a.k.a. pollinator-friendly plants) are flowering perennials, annuals, or shrubs that provide the nectar and pollen essential for a flourishing pollinator population.

When should you plant pollinators? ›

If you're using seeds, plan on dispersing them the fall or late winter ahead of your summer growing season. This gives the seeds time to germinate. Nursery-started plants cost more, but will generally give you a quick return on your investment and bring pollinators into your yard during the same growing season.

What plant attracts the most butterflies? ›

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is one of the best flowers for attracting butterflies. It adds a flashy touch of color to the late summer landscape.

What plant attracts hummingbirds the most? ›

Honeysuckle. Also a tubular flower, honeysuckle is a hummingbird magnet for its sweet nectar, as the name of this vining bloom suggests. "Hummingbirds adore these open-mouthed florals and are even more attracted to their bright red-toned petals, which flower on and off throughout the year," says Poole.

What plants are good for birds bees and butterflies? ›

Plants with simple, sunflower-like blooms, such as coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, asters and zinnias, generally provide both pollen and nectar. Flowering herbs, such as lavender, are excellent additions, too. Flower shapes and colors also matter to pollinators. Bees prefer white, yellow and blue blooms.

What are 3 flower traits that attract a pollinator? ›

Floral Characteristics that Attract Pollinators
  • Colors. Brightly colored flowers attract pollinators, and some flowers have ultraviolet pigments that only insects such as bees can see. ...
  • Scent. The fragrance a flower emits also has an effect on pollinators. ...
  • Shape. Some flowers attract pollinators by their shape.

What is the most famous pollinator? ›

Bees are the most important pollinator. Honeybees, for example, are responsible for pollinating over 110 crops that we eat and use every day, like tasty apples and delicious strawberries.

Are zinnias good for pollinators? ›

Zinnias are one of the best annuals for attracting pollinators, especially butterflies. Interplant zinnias between rows of vegetables or as a border around vegetables to attract more pollinators to your garden. There are a few guidelines available for attracting butterflies to your yard using zinnias.

Are marigolds pollinators? ›

Marigolds are attractive to bees provided you choose a variety with open centers, so insects can easily find the yellow florets. Little 'Gem' marigolds fit this description, but they are not as long-blooming as many French marigolds, which are the preferred type among pollinators in my garden.

How do I turn my yard into a pollinator garden? ›

The 5 best ways to make your yard pollinator friendly
  1. Plant a diverse set of flowering plants. Diversifying the flowers in your garden is the best way to support the most types of pollinators. ...
  2. Add woody plants like trees and shrubs. ...
  3. Grow native plants. ...
  4. Minimize herbicide and insecticide use. ...
  5. Mow remaining lawn infrequently.
Apr 19, 2022

Are perennials good for pollinators? ›

Consider supporting your local birds, bees, butterflies, beetles, and moths by planting pollinator-friendly perennials! Pollinators play a vital role in our ecosystems, gardens, and especially our food chain.

How big should a pollinator garden be? ›

A Pollinator Garden Can Vary in Size.

It can be a decorative planter with a mix of a few native flowers and annuals, a small perennial flower bed, a vegetable garden interspersed with flowers, or it can be an entire yard. Start small as you can always expand the garden later as time, budget and space allows.

What plants are best for attracting bees? ›

Flowers like lavender, hollyhock, cosmos and hellebore are all listed as RHS Plants for Pollinators and will help to feed a range of different bee species. However, some bees are specialists, visiting just a handful of plants for the pollen they feed to their larvae and sometimes for other resources.

What is the best landscaping for pollinators? ›

Use a wide variety of plants that bloom from early spring into late fall. Help pollinators find and use them by planting in clumps, rather than single plants. Include plants native to your region. Natives are adapted to your local climate, soil and native pollinators.

What is the most effective pollinator? ›

Bees are the most efficient pollinator; a single bee colony can pollinate 3 million flowers a day. Plants, just like every other living organism, need to reproduce.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.