Causation in the Age of the Cold War and Decolonization - AP World Study Guide 2024 | Fiveable (2024)

Challenging Political and Social Order

Regardless of their country, people found ways to express their discontent with existing political and social orders. Such conflicts extended to gravities never seen before, even globally.

Fighting for freedoms

Popular uprisings inagainst Soviet-backed governments occurred in countries such as Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. These movements, known as the and the , respectively, were met with military force by the , but they were significant in that they demonstrated the desire of Eastern European people for greater freedom and democracy. For instance, the was a period of political liberalization because of the series of political and economic reforms, which included greater freedom of the press, the release of political prisoners, and the decentralization of the economy. Nevertheless, the crushed the reform movements in order to reaffirm its ideological control over the region.

In, popular movements and political parties challenged the traditional order by advocating for greater social and economic equality. In Cuba, the , led by , successfully overthrew the US-backed dictator in 1959. Similarly, in Chile, the of , which aimed to implement socialist policies, was overthrown in a US-backed coup in 1973.


Building on the largely unfulfilled desires for self-government and autonomy after WWI, the end of WWII prompted growing anti-imperialism and marked the end of European colonial empires, and a wave of swept across Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean.

InAsia, the end of WWII and the withdrawal of European colonial powers led to a wave of nationalist movements. from British rule, led by figures such as and , is one of the most well-known examples of in Asia. India gained independence in 1947. Other countries in Asia that gained independence during this time include Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

InAfrica, the process of was marked by a wave of anti-colonial movements and protests. One notable example is the in Kenya in the 1950s, in which Kenyan nationalists fought against British colonial rule. The was a key factor in Kenya's independence in 1963. Similarly, in Algeria, the National Liberation Front (FLN) led a war of independence against France, which ultimately led to Algeria's independence in 1962. Other African countries that gained independence during this time include Ghana, Guinea, and Senegal.

In theCaribbean, the process of was also marked by anti-colonial movements and protests. Jamaica gained independence in 1962, Trinidad and Tobago in 1962, and Guyana in 1966.

was not always peaceful. Europeans desperately tried to hold on to their colonies, which resulted in brutal and violent conflicts for independence. For instance, in Algeria, the French government fought fiercely to the extent that over 1.5 million people died. In the Belgian Combo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), the Belgian government exerted significant violence against anti-colonial forces as well.

Furthermore, brought about significant changes to the political, economic, and social systems of the newly independent countries. In many cases, the new governments sought to redistribute land and wealth and improve the living standards of their citizens through policies such as land reform and wealth redistribution.

Cold War and its effects

College Board: "The Cold War conflict extended beyond its basic ideological origins to have profound effects on economic, political, social, and cultural aspects of global events."


One way the Cold War extended to economic orders was through the creation of rival economic systems. The United States and its allies promoted a capitalist economic system, characterized by private ownership of property and the means of production and the use of markets to allocate resources. The and its allies, on the other hand, promoted a socialist economic system, characterized by collective ownership of property and the means of production, and the use of central planning to allocate resources.

Another way the Cold War extended to economic orders was through the use of economic aid as a tool of foreign policy. The United States and its allies used foreign aid programs, such as the , to rebuild and stabilize Western Europe and promote capitalism. The and its allies also used foreign aid to promote socialism and spread their influence in developing countries.

The Cold War also led to the formation of economic blocs, such as the European Economic Community (EEC) and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON), which aimed to promote economic cooperation and integration among members and counteract the influence of the other bloc.


One of the main ways the Cold War spread to politics was through the spread of ideology. The United States and its allies promoted democracy and capitalism as the ideal political and economic systems, while the and its allies promoted communism and socialism. This led to a global ideological struggle, with countries aligning themselves with either the capitalist or communist bloc.

Another way the Cold War extended to political orders was through the use of proxy wars and support for anti-communist or pro-communist governments. The United States and the supported different sides in conflicts around the world, such as the , in order to spread their ideology and gain influence. Additionally, the Cold War led to the establishment of surveillance and intelligence agencies and the use of propaganda to influence public opinion and promote their own ideology.


The Cold War led to the rise of consumer culture and the use of consumer goods as a means of promoting one's ideology. The United States and its allies promoted a consumer culture as a symbol of the success and freedom of capitalism, while the and its allies promoted a culture of sacrifice and austerity as a symbol of the success and superiority of socialism. Oftentimes, people were persecuted for purchasing or possessing items that represented Western ideas (found in absurd examples such as denim jeans).


One of the main ways the Cold War spread to culture was through the promotion of rival cultural ideologies. The United States and its allies promoted a liberal, individualistic culture, while the and its allies promoted a collectivistic culture, with a strong emphasis on the role of the state in shaping society. This led to a struggle for cultural and ideological supremacy, with countries aligning themselves with either the capitalist or communist bloc.

Additionally, the Cold War led to the creation of different cultural institutions, such as museums, libraries, and theaters, with the aim of promoting one's own culture and ideology. The United States, for example, established the United States Information Agency (USIA) to promote American culture abroad, while the established the Soviet Peace Committee to promote Soviet culture abroad.

Institutions of Global Association

Alliances and military pacts, such as NATO and the , aimed to protect their members from the perceived threat of the other bloc. These alliances also served as a means to contain the spread of the opposing ideology.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established on April 4, 1949, as a military alliance between the United States, Canada, and several Western European countries. The organization was formed in response to the perceived threat of Soviet expansion in Europe following the end of World War II. The main purpose of NATO was to provide a collective defense against the threat of Soviet aggression and to promote stability and security in the region. The organization was based on the principle of collective defense, meaning that an attack on one member would be considered an attack on all members. NATO continues to exist today.

Warsaw Pact

The , officially known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, was established on May 14, 1955, as a military alliance between the and several Eastern European countries. The organization was formed in response to the formation of NATO and the perceived threat of Western expansion in Europe. The main purpose of the was to provide a collective defense against the threat of Western aggression and to promote stability and security in the region. The organization was based on the principle of collective defense, meaning that an attack on one member would be considered an attack on all members. The has since ceased to exist, but its vestige can still be seen in political clashes.

Responding to Economic Struggles

One approach that was popular among countries was the adoption of free-market economic policies. This approach, also known as , emphasizes the reduction of government intervention in the economy and the promotion of free trade. Many countries in , such as Chile and Mexico, adopted these policies in the 1980s and 1990s as a response to economic crises and high inflation. These policies were also implemented in some countries in after the fall of the .

Another approach that countries adopted was . This approach focuses on increasing a country's exports as a way to stimulate economic growth. Countries such as Japan and South Korea successfully implemented this approach in the post-World War II period, becoming major economic powers. These countries heavily invested in their manufacturing sectors and focused on exporting goods to other countries. This approach has been successful in many developing countries, such as China and Taiwan, which have experienced rapid economic growth and have become major exporters.

In addition, many countries sought assistance from international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the during times of economic hardship. These organizations provided financial assistance and economic advice to countries experiencing financial crises. However, their policies and conditions have been criticized for being too harsh and not taking into account the specific economic conditions of countries.

In contrast, some countries adopted government intervention and regulation as a way to manage their economies. This approach, also known as , emphasizes the role of the state in guiding economic development. Many European countries, such as France and Italy, have adopted this approach with the use of state-owned enterprises and protectionist trade policies. This approach has been successful in some cases, such as in the development of the French and Italian automobile industries, but has also been criticized for stifling innovation and competition.

Some countries adopted a more mixed economy approach, which combines elements of both free market and government intervention. This approach has been adopted by many countries, such as China, which has implemented economic reforms and has gradually shifted towards a market economy while maintaining a significant role for state-owned enterprises. This approach has been successful in promoting economic growth and poverty reduction but has also faced challenges such as corruption and environmental degradation.

Finally, some countries, such as the , implemented a where the government controlled most economic activities and decision-making. This system led to low economic growth and poor living standards for the majority of citizens.

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26th of July Movement: The 26th of July Movement was a revolutionary group led by Fidel Castro that overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista on January 1st, 1959. The name comes from an attack on Moncada Barracks on July 26th, 1953 which is considered as start point for this revolution.

Algerian War of Independence: The Algerian War of Independence was a conflict from 1954 to 1962 between France and the National Liberation Front (FLN) that resulted in Algeria gaining its independence from French colonial rule.

Challenging Political and Social Order: This refers to the act of questioning, opposing, or seeking to change established systems of power, governance, societal norms, or cultural practices.

Cold War and its effects: The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between two superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union, after World War II. Its effects included an arms race, space race, proxy wars around the world, ideological battles, economic competition and technological advancements.

Command Economy System: A command economy system is an economic structure where the government controls and regulates production, distribution, and prices. They decide what goods should be produced, how much should be produced, and the price at which the goods will be offered for sale.

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON): COMECON was an economic organization from 1949-1991 under Soviet control that included various eastern bloc and other socialist states around the world. Its purpose was to create a common planning mechanism for these economies.

Decolonization: Decolonization refers to the process by which colonies become independent of colonial powers.

Dirigisme: Dirigisme is an economic system where the state exerts strong directive influence over investment. It's often associated with economies where the government controls and plans key aspects of the economy.

Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe refers to the geographical and cultural area of Europe that is located east of Germany and Austria, including countries like Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Russia. It's known for its diverse cultures, languages, and histories.

European Economic Community (EEC): The EEC, also known as the Common Market, was an economic union established in 1957 by six Western European countries to promote free trade among its members.

Export-oriented industrialization: Export-oriented industrialization is a trade and economic policy aiming to speed up the industrialization process of a country by exporting goods for which the nation has a comparative advantage.

Fidel Castro: Fidel Castro was a Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and then as President from 1976 to 2008.

Fighting for Freedoms: This term refers to individuals or groups advocating for and taking action towards gaining civil liberties and rights which they believe they are entitled to but have been denied.

Fulgencio Batista: Fulgencio Batista was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as the elected President of Cuba from 1940 to 1944, and later as its U.S.-backed dictator from 1952 to 1959, before being overthrown during the Cuban Revolution.

Hungarian Revolution: The Hungarian Revolution was a nationwide revolt against the Marxist-Leninist government of Hungary and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956.

India's struggle for independence: This refers to the series of events, protests, and movements that took place from 1857 to 1947 in order to end British colonial rule in India. It culminated with the country gaining its independence on August 15, 1947.

Institutions of Global Association: These are international organizations that have been established by countries around the world to promote cooperation, peace, and development. They can be political, economic, or social in nature.

International Monetary Fund (IMF): The IMF is an international organization that aims to promote global economic growth and financial stability, encourage international trade, and reduce poverty around the world.

Jawaharlal Nehru: Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian independence activist and, subsequently, the first Prime Minister of India.

Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Soviet-Afghan War: These were three major conflicts during the Cold War period. The Korean and Vietnam Wars involved direct U.S. military intervention against communist forces, while in the Soviet-Afghan War, the USSR invaded Afghanistan to support its communist government against mujahideen resistance fighters.

Latin America: Latin America refers to the region of the Americas where Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and French) are primarily spoken. It includes countries in Central and South America, Mexico, and parts of the Caribbean.

Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead India to independence from British rule.

Marshall Plan: The Marshall Plan was an American initiative passed in 1948 for foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred over $12 billion in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after World War II.

Mau Mau Uprising: The Mau Mau Uprising was an armed military conflict that took place from 1952-1960 in British Kenya between rebel groups known as 'Mau Mau' and British colonial forces. The rebellion is seen as a major step towards Kenya’s eventual independence in 1963.

National Liberation Front (FLN): A socialist political party in Algeria. It was established in 1954 as part of the struggle for independence and has been one of the main ruling parties since then.

Neoliberalism: Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy advocating for free trade, open markets, privatization, deregulation, and enhancing the role of private sector in modern society.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 North American and European countries established by the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949.

Popular Unity government: The Popular Unity government was a left-wing coalition government in Chile that existed from 1970 to 1973. It was led by Salvador Allende, who became Latin America's first democratically elected socialist leader.

Prague Spring: The Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization and mass protest in Czechoslovakia as a Communist state after World War II. It began on 5 January 1968, when reformist Alexander Dubček was elected First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), and continued until 21 August when the Soviet Union and other members of the Warsaw Pact invaded the country to suppress the reforms.

Responding to Economic Struggles: This refers to the various strategies and policies that nations implement in order to address economic challenges such as inflation, unemployment, and slow growth.

Salvador Allende: Salvador Allende was a Chilean physician and politician who served as President of Chile from 1970 until his overthrow and death during the military coup d'état in 1973. He was Latin America's first democratically elected socialist leader.

Soviet Union: Officially known as Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), it was a federal socialist state that existed from 1922 until its dissolution in 1991. It was governed as a single-party state by Communist Party with Moscow as its capital.

Warsaw Pact: A political alliance between Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries established in 1955 as a counterweight to NATO during Cold War era.

World Bank: The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to poorer countries for capital programs with the goal of reducing poverty.

Causation in the Age of the Cold War and Decolonization - AP World Study Guide 2024 | Fiveable (2024)


What was the cause of the decolonization during the Cold War? ›

Causes of Decolonization
  • The French and British empires were weakened by the Second World War, not unlike the imperial dissolution after World War I.
  • The Japanese Empire dissolved due to losing World War II.
  • The United Nations pushed for decolonization.
  • The Soviet Union also pressured the Europeans to decolonize.

What is unit 8 whap about? ›

Unit 8 of AP World History covers two main topics in the post-war era: the Cold War and Decolonization.

What factors led to the end of the Cold War in AP world? ›

What are the causes of the end of the Cold War? Advances in U.S. military and technological development, the Soviet Union's costly and ultimately failed invasion of Afghanistan, and public discontent and economic weakness in communist countries led to the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

What was the cause of the decolonization? ›

The main causes of decolonization include: imperial dissolution. world wars. international pressure.

How did the Cold War and decolonization shape the postwar world? ›

How did the Cold War and decolonization shape the postwar world? - Quora. The Cold war set the stage for decolonization; the competition of the 2 global power meant former colonies are actively fought over through aids/political support to bring them into their faction.

What was the cause of the Cold War? ›

As World War II transformed both the United States and the USSR, turning the nations into formidable world powers, competition between the two increased. Following the defeat of the Axis powers, an ideological and political rivalry between the United States and the USSR gave way to the start of the Cold War.

What is decolonization in AP world history? ›

Decolonization refers to the process by which colonial empires, especially those of European powers, granted independence to their colonies in the aftermath of World War II .

What is the main idea of Unit 6 AP World History? ›

Main Ideas of the Unit:

As Europeans industrialized, they gained an economic advantage in the global economy → Colonized other lands to gain raw materials to support their economy.

What were two primary causes of the Cold War? ›

Origins of the Cold War

The Americans and the British feared the permanent Soviet domination of eastern Europe and the threat of Soviet-influenced communist parties coming to power in the democracies of western Europe.

What was the main cause of the Cold War quizlet? ›

The main reason for this was the fear of communism in the US and the Soviets trying to turn the world into a communist place, and the Soviets having the fear that the Americans were trying to change the world into a capitalist place. This clash of ideology led to the cold war.

What event caused the Cold War to come to an end? ›

The Cold War began with the announcement of the Truman Doctrine in 1947, started a gradual winding down with the Sino-Soviet split between the Soviets and the People's Republic of China in 1961, and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Who was more to blame for starting the Cold War? ›

Some historians argue the USSR was mainly responsible for causing the Cold War for 6 key reasons: ❖ Stalin went against some of the promises he made at Yalta, such as occupying Poland and refusing to allow eastern European countries to have free elections.

Who were the two superpowers during the Cold War? ›

The Cold War saw the two superpowers – the USA and the Soviet Union – divide the world into spheres of influence and power blocs.

Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War? ›

The Soviet Union were thought to be at fault for starting the cold war by many historians at the time of the cold war. The reason for this is because the Soviet Union were known to be infiltrating liberated countries and forcing communism upon them which aggravated the western powers.

What sparked decolonization? ›

Decolonization began at a unique time in history, just when the U.S.-Soviet Cold War was heating up. The superpowers sought allies among the newly independent states, and this at times greatly impacted the process of self-determination, as the cases of India, Algeria, and Vietnam highlight.

How did the Cold War influence independence movements? ›

Despite the enormous pressure exerted by the superpowers, some independence movements did manage to avoid becoming a proxy conflict within the Cold War. For the most part, the simplest way in which an independence movement might avoid superpower involvement was to steer clear of communist rhetoric.

What were some ways that decolonization collided with the Cold War to shape global production and distribution after 1945? ›

In summary, the intersection of decolonization and the Cold War after 1945 led to significant changes in global production and distribution, with new economic systems, shifting resource control, superpower influence through aid, and the emergence of alternative development models.

How did the United Nations cause decolonization? ›

The United Nations monitors progress towards self-determination in the Non-Self-Governing Territories. In 1960, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)), known also as the Declaration on Decolonization.

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